What Are Those Lights


We pulled into the Sam Houston national Forest and it was already dark. Our campsite was a remote one, back off into the deep woods. Since it was already dark we set up our tents by car light. The night was so cold it was like walking through ice. After setting up our tents we begin to put out motion sensor lights around the outside perimeter of our camp. We do this because we know the big man likes to stand outside the camp and listen to us talk. We try to keep our voices soft and low. Most of the time we just sit around the campfire in our chairs and we will talk in normal tones and laughed some. We just go about our business until one of the sensor lights pop on and then we take out the night vision and scan the perimeter of our camp that’s when we can see them they’ll just be standing outside the light are they may be moving off but whichever it is it is always awesome to know that they are out there and they seem to be listening to what we are saying  and watching what we doing.

Since we were through putting up all our gear around the camp, Brandon laid out a campfire and lit it. We all stood around the fire and tried to warm the ice out of our bones. There was a slight wind blowing through the darkness which seem to leave ice inside of us. It blew through the tops of the trees and made the dry leaves fall from the branches  and rattle softly onto the ground. We watched the darkness and warmed ourselves by the fire for a while.
As the ice slowly seeped from our  bones, one by one we put on our gear and got ready for the night’s investigation.

This night we were going to go back and investigate the lights we had seen a couple of days ago. And as we started out into the forest we were reluctant to leave the fire behind because the night was down to freezing and the small wind was like a freezer.
The forest was dark and eerily quiet and our noses and faces became numb with the cold. As we neared the dark path through the trees that would take us to the semi open area where we see the lights, sure enough two lights appeared across the opening in front of us. These lights did not move they just sat in the trees as if they were waiting for us to continue on towards them. We tried to capture them on film and on video but that was  not to happen.

We continue to move straight upon them but the lights did not move or waiver from our path. But sometimes one would brighten up and another would dim, but they stayed right in the same place, they did not move around. Felipe took out a GPS and found our position in the woods. To the left of us it was showing a ranch which I knew was already there. The ranch was a few miles to our left and so I got to thinking that perhaps these were outbuildings and the lights from the outbuildings of the ranch. But the further we went straight towards the lights we got no closer. I knew this was not right and so the boys and I and Felipe stopped and talked it over.
I told them that we should do this in the daylight because we were getting deeper and deeper into the forest finding no ranch and no outbuildings. But the lights stayed right in front of us no further away and no closer. This just did not set right with me and so I told the boys let’s go back and we will get in this area in the daylight.

Felipe and the boys wanted to go a little further so I said okay and I turned around. I have so many thoughts of what was going on here, this was very new to us. What I mean is we have never encountered anything like this before so I began to think perhaps this is an optical illusion. Because the lights just don’t get any closer and they don’t get any further away but we had walked miles walking straight to them. Well daylight seemed a lot better time to do this  in then the middle of the night and it was so cold and dark. I had walked about 20 minutes when a bright light brightened up my back and everything around me. When I turned around thinking that perhaps it was the boys deciding to go back with me. There was nothing there, but  out on my left side I could see lights moving through the forest I thought the boys are in the wrong position, what the world are they doing out there so, I began to follow the lights and try to catch up to them. then three lights turned into just two I thought well maybe one of the boys turned their lights off. I followed the lights for a good while and every time I got close to them they were further away. I knew this was not right and I did not get lost easily in the woods, I have a very good sense of direction. And I knew that these lights were going deeper and deeper away from our camp. So I turned back towards our camp.

After a while I saw a truck lights on the road down past our camp I knew we were the only ones out here and my wife was with us for a little while.
So I started towards the truck lights knowing that it was her. But I came out of the woods after a while and sure enough it was Pat sitting in the truck.
When I got in the truck my wife told me that the motion lights were going off all around the camp and she was hearing screams and whoops so she did not want to stay there by herself and she came down here to the end of the road. Travis came out of the woods near us and said that he was following a set of lights until he saw the truck lights. He said he just could not get close to the lights and he thought it was the boys but he saw the truck lights and decided to come this way. He said he did not know how they got separated. After a good 30 minutes of sitting there talking about what had gone on Brandon called me on the cell phone and asked us to stop and wait for them I told him that we were at the truck out on the forest road and he said you mean you’re not in the woods. I told him no that me and Travis are both here with mom well him and Felipe got upset and said that they were following a red light and a white light they thought it was Travis and I and they were getting deeper and deeper into the woods. So we pulled the truck up close to the forest and flashed the light several times and they finally saw us, they were very off course. I told him not to worry about the lights they were following just come to the lights that are flashing and so they turned our direction and come to us. Twice we had to flashlights for them because they begin to get off course seeing other lights thinking it was us.

When they came out of the woods there was any light on the ground next to them. I actually got a picture of this light and I’m going to include it in my blog here also it seems that I got two pictures of the lights were following and I’m also going to include them in this blog. I have to tell you this is a real mystery to us. We do not have things like this happen, this is all very new and a little disturbing and amazing at the same time.

We do run into paranormal phenomenon out here because so much has gone on in these areas and we do work in areas where there were once ghost towns. And there are Indian graveyards in this area and other areas that we work in as well as Pioneer graveyards some of these graves are just out in the middle of nowhere. Shadows strange fog and Misty apparitions are not unusual for us to come up to. But these lights are really something new to us and we have worked in this area for over 14 years and never have we seen the lights in the woods. It is still too early for us in this investigation to put a name to the lights so we will continue this investigation in the morning when is daylight.

Well with morning Felipe and the boys took a walk out where we had been, there was no sign of any outbuildings. No signs of any lights. And they seemed to walk for many miles.They said in the exact area where these lights have been hanging in the trees. Coming back without satisfying our need to know what they are we have decided to call this just a mystery we are going to be investigating this mystery . But for now it’s back to Sasquatching.

So until next time. The hermit will say goodbye, and please click like on this blog many thanks. The hermit.

Lights And Sounds In The Woods

As we parked our truck in the Sam Houston National Forest. It was just past dark. We thought this would be just a normal  night in the field. A few good sounds and a personal experience or two.But as we got out, we were greeted with a scream from the deep woods around us.

Travis grabbed up the parabolic mic. , and ran towards the bridge. Brandon and I picked up our equipment and  fail in behind him.

Let me tell you, it was very dark with an overcast sky and cold air around us, we were chilled before we got to the river and the

bridge that crossed it.

Travis went up on the bridge and I went down beside it. Brandon went down to the water.It was then that I heard something coming from under the bridge that sounded like a child crying. So I started under the bridge and heard it again. The boys could hear it now and Travis ran cross to the other side and Brandon

was wading through the water and lost his boots in the mud.

Well the boys and I searched for 20 min and could not find any child and we did not hear it again. I began to recall a story we had heard about during a raging flood a woman and her child had been washed away. Their bodies never to be found. It is said that you can still hear a child cry and the moans of a woman, near the bridge.

Well” did we just witness something paranormal? Just to make sure we searched the dark waters and under the bridge again. There was nothing to be found.So regrouping Travis went back to recording sounds and Brandon and I stayed under the bridge to try and pick something up with our handycams.

After a good while Travis called us to him to listen to some sounds he was getting. The night was full of sound and we heard loud wood knocks near us and had a rock make the bridge ring from the blow. I have put the sounds on this blog for my readers to hear.

We also witnessed lights in the woods and were able to get video of them using our night vision. I have put that on here to.

The Hermit