Just how Intelligence Is The Bigguy

davis%20mountainsI would like to talk a little bit about the intelligence of Sasquatch. Now that I’ve said that let me clarify that I am not a scientist. I am not a wildlife expert either. But I do have close to 40 years experience in the subject. I have spent many years in the high lonely places of the Rockies and down into the thick black forest of the big thicket and East Texas. I do want to give you a little bit of my history. I have walked the big thicket all the way into Louisiana.
From there I turned my sights north. I have walked the Colorado Trail and I have walked the Appalachian Trail all the way into main.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I have to say that I have been in many places in these United States were most men never go. So I can tell you that yes a creature such as Sasquatch can go unnoticed and undetected in many of these lonely places. They can live their life and go about their daily business never beening seen. It is my observation that there is plenty for them to eat and survive in these remote high lonely places to the deep forest of East Texas.

I did it myself, and you can say that I am a self proclaimed survivalist and naturalist. I did not go to college to learn these things but I had the best schools in the world. All my experience comes from walking through our natural world. So many times I have sat on Mesa tops, my feet dangling over watching the world below, and was so happy to do so. I did not like the world below and like so many times when I was a child I sought out the natural world for refuge. The natural world has been my teacher in many subjects, spiritual, survival and life. It has always given me everything I ever needed, like shelter, food and gold and precious stones. The night wind has sang me to sleep on many cold nights. But it has also dried the sweat on my face while walking through the desert.

In all these wanderings of mine I have met up with the creature called Sasquatch. It was not an everyday thing, but when it happened it always gave me butterflies in my stomach. It always made me wonder what else is out there that we don’t know about. I wanted to know more about the mysteries of this world. Because I have to tell you it is so awesome to actually see something that is not supposed to exist. To have something that isn’t supposed to be real stand and watch you pan for gold for two hours is an experience unto itself.
When this happened to me, yes I was scared and full of wonder to. I said the Lords prayer out loud more than once,  I would  talk to myself out loud but in a soft voice. I knew  this creature, that we all call Sasquatch could hear my voice. So I paned my gold and worked my crevices and spoke to the Lord in soft voices. Did he know I was praying? Did he know what I was saying? Who really knows these creatures, and what they think. I do believe that they are curious of us and want to see us but don’t want to be seen. But sometimes they don’t seem to care if they are seen. They will stand right out in the open for several minutes to a couple of hours and  watch openly. This has been my observation, this is something I have actually seen.

What kind of intelligence makes them do this? How close to humanity are they really? These are questions I have asked myself over and over again.
There is much talk out in the Bigfoot community about how intelligent they are. Some believe that they are not that intelligent some believe that they are very highly intelligent. With all the DNA controversy I would like to interject that the only thing anyone has to go on is their own observations made out in the field. I really don’t think we are going to get past the DNA controversies anytime soon.

Now I’m going to put some observations out there. These are my observations, things that I have seen in the field and my life living in the wilds.
First off I would like to say that these are just my opinions, but this is my belief also.
To me there seems to be somewhat of a close relationship between humanity and them.”WoW”! Did I just say that? Now please let me clarify that statement. After so many years of seeing them off and on, and watching them, it is now my belief that we are talking about a creature that is between an animal like consciousness and a humanlike consciousness. So you can simply say they walk on the wild side of life where we walk always in the human way of life.

I believe that they are very intelligent creatures in their own world. I don’t believe that they would fit into our world and I really wish people would stop trying to put them there. To me this just would not work. But however I do believe that there is an unconscious bond between them and us. Or should I say between them and the Native Americans and all peoples in this world that live close to the land.

You see I believe, after careful observation on my part that these creatures, that we call Sasquatch have a natural animal knowledge and Something akin to some kind of human intelligence. To me this makes them smarter than all ape kind. With the exception of humankind.
There has been so many stories of these hominids who live in the wild places of the world. Some going back thousands of years. Even Lewis and Clark wrote about them in their diaries and so did those that went with them. The Spanish fathers at the missions catalogued many stories of the big man and had experiences of their own. The soldiers who came with the conquistadors told stories of giant hairy man. Even the Vikings told stories of the big man’s strength, hairy bodies and the smell that they admit.

But as far as their intelligence it will take a study from scientists in the wild to confirm my observations. But smart yes I would think so. They have learned to stay away from us haven’t they. LOL that should tell you a lot about their intelligence.

These are just my thoughts on the big man and I’m not asking anyone to agree or disagree.

Until next time the hermit.

Riding Four Wheelers In A Not so controlled Burn

011Well I can tell you that riding through a controlled burn that has gotten out of control is just absolutely no fun. Travis and I were on the four wheelers putting out new game cams and picking some up. We knew that there was a controlled burn on the other side of the road, but we never thought that a wind would come up so hard that it would cause it to jump the road. We certainly smelled wood smoke and Travis looked up and pointed. We had a huge wall of flame coming with the wind straight towards us. I took one look at it and knew that we might be in trouble. I gave Travis assigned to let’s keep moving because the smoke and flames were actually catching up with us quickly. So we moved off trying to stay ahead of it though is no way we could turn around.

Oh and that wind was so cold, it blew under our helmets and down the backs of our necks. The smoke enveloped us and made it hard to see the trail ahead of us. We were going at rather a breakneck pace, and after almost missing a bridge over a deep ravine I decided to slow down some.
Realizing we were out of the smoke now we look back behind us it seemed that the fire was burning itself out and the wind had finally slow down.
I can tell you that was quite an experience. There was one thing I couldn’t understand why there were no signs up warning riders of the controlled burn.
They normally do. Also the Rangers are usually out in the forest at this time. But the forest was deserted it seems of all life. Sitting on my four Wheeler and waiting for Travis to retrieve a couple of game cams I looked all around the forest. With all the sins convert trees in the ground painted black by the flames it looked to me like a looking out through a dead forest. There were no deer or small animals such as squirrels there were no birds and what was really eerie was that there was no sound.

I know that they say that controlled burns are good for the forest but I have to ask myself is it really. Just a few days ago when we were out here this was a lush green forests. But now the ground was black there was no green to it at all. The needles on the pine trees were mostly brown now and their bark was black with singe. The  brush was all but gone and what little of it was left was still on fire. There were still great fires and some of the trees and on the forest floor tree stumps everywhere were on fire. Many of the trees any been blown down by the wind and those that had been cut down by the forestry department large and small were disappearing into flame. All that was left of them was white ash where they had once laid on the forest floor.

A sudden wind whipped at our jackets and Travis and I knew it was time for us to move on. So down the trail we rode and here and there we had to stop and move flaming logs from out of the trail. Many times we had to ride into the black forest to avoid huge burning trees laying over the trail.
Smoke begin to catch up with us again and it choked us and burned our lungs. I simply blamed the forestry department for not putting up warning signs and not closing the trail’s. Something I could not truly understand is why there was no one out there watching this controlled burn.

As we pulled into the parking lot where our trailer was we could see that the fire had burned itself all away around the parking lot in the bathroom area. It appears that it burned almost to the highway and still not one forestry truck was to be seen anywhere. I wondered about the big man and how he might of fared in this. I am sure it was better than we did. This also made me wonder where he spent his time while the forest was burning. I’m sure he wasn’t even there.Being smarter than me and Travis he was probably down along the San Jacinto River eating fish and freshwater mussels.

Both both of us thought it was time to go home home. There would be no research out here today. And I certainly wasn’t going to try to pick up any more game cams until the forest had gone cold.

Until next time the hermit.