Getting hit with limbs and sticks.

Snapshot 3 (5-19-2014 6-19 PM)Well, Brandon and I pulled into an area normally called monkey Woods this is a remote site and I will not disclose its location, but I will describe it to you.
After a long and bumpy drive. We finally came to the cut off and we took the one to the right side and we bumped along for a few more moments. To the left there is a dirt road that goes quite deep into the forest, and that was the road we took we bumped along and finally came to a camp that we always use.
The camp was high on a hill and the hill ran all the way through the pine trees and then down into a lower section of woods, which we call the boneyard. We call it the boneyard because of the many hogs skulls we find in this area, and of course backbones and hide legs. We also find deer bones. Sometimes a torn up coyote. Below our camp to the right. There is a very large pond about the size of a half-acre and running along the pond is a leve

But let’s head back into the boneyard for a moment in this area there is another hill and all the hill is green grass and a lot of green brush and there is more water. This water is actually a spring and in that area of green grass and brush which is about an acre is a small family group of Sasquatches.
Hence the name monkey Woods.
Well, Brandon laid out a campfire and pulled up more wood to go along with what we had brought While he  was doing that I begin to get the equipment ready for the night. After everything was ready and done we headed down towards the pond and there we put up the thermal cameras. We aimed them the best we could up onto the hill to watch anything that might approach us. I tell you we were in for a big surprise that night. We knew that family group lived near the spring and a lot of times, other campers who come in here are ran off quite often. Well, after putting up the thermal trap cameras and putting out our audio we went back to the truck and just layed back to watch the sun, go down. This is one of my favorite times in the woods when the sun’s fading and the shadows begin to grow long that is when the day. Slowly falls asleep and the night awakens. We could hear the little animals starting to scurry around. Possums’s and armadillos and we could also hear the Little whistles that the birds make when they go to roost. Often the distance some crows decided to wake up and be angry at something and were making a hellish racket, but when they finally quieted down a whippoorwill began to call out to the night. We listen to his lonely song for a long while. When abruptly it just stopped.

We raised up in the back of the truck to listen and noticed that the moon was rising full over the tops of the Pines. Suddenly we realized that we were not alone. With that knowledge, the first tree limb flew in and hit the truck. We could hear running feet and then another tree limb. After a while it became pieces of tree, and of course dirt with pebbles it. Well, Brandon and I were smiling at each other through the darkness. You may think were crazy, but this is what we live far, and with the trap thermal cameras we were hoping we were getting it all. We could hear them run back and forth and the tree limbs and broken trees flew in to camp, nonstop. I’ve been told that these creatures have long memories. And if that is true. They knew well who we were, because this wasn’t the first time we had been in here. We have hiked in the daytime and night we been hit with sticks and rocks and if they do have long memories. Then they knew. We didn’t run easily.

While all this was going on. We were hoping beyond hope that the trap thermal cameras were getting all of it, and so viewing at the next day we realized that we had made somewhat of a mistake. We didn’t aim them up far enough on the heels but yet we did get some very good thermal hits.
Actually, we got 18 full minutes because they would run down off the heel pick up their ammunition and run back up the hill. So if you watch in this footage over by the words flir, you will see them running to and fro. We were very excited about this footage, and I know if we can blow it up, you would be able to see better what is going on, but I believe you should be able to see enough to know that us poor guys at the extreme left on the heel were utterly being bombarded with everything they could throw. It wasn’t till they came right up to the truck about 30 feet and began to jump in the air slap their hands and feet on the ground that we decided it was a little too intense and we should leave.

I hope that you can see it and enjoy it also. I have included our next day investigation where we find the footprints on the hill and we take you into the boneyard. Well thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoy the videos. Please click like.
Until the next time the hermit.