I walked out of the forest and the wind over the lake hit me with cool and refreshing air. My walk through the Pines had been hot but very productive.
I had started my search for anything out of the ordinary on an old Park Road near an old grave and a huge cedar tree with twisted and broken branches.
I knew very well that these breaks were not natural and there was only one thing I know that could’ve actually broke these limbs. No other trees around it were hurt our seem to of been touched only this huge cedar tree some of the branches that had been twisted were as big as my arm around. Being very intrigued by this I decided to start my search here. So I set out alone this time, but I had two canteens of water and some trail mix for energy.

Picking my way through the Pines I discovered right away a large wide trail with broken branches in the trees about maybe eight-foot high. This trail drew me deeper into the forest and as I walked along I searched the ground for footprints and studied tree after tree for possible hair samples. I walked about 2 miles watching the ground, but the forest floor was hard packed and littered with leaves and pine needles. I found many disturbed areas which could of only been footsteps but the way they were was nothing definitive. I decided that I would take a small break the heat under the thick canopy was very hard for me to handle. I poured water over my head and drank from my canteens and after about 10 minutes I went on my way.

The trail made a very stealthy turned to the left which I almost missed, but after I got back on track I found that the trail crossed into a clearing a couple hundred yards ahead and that is where I got my first break for good prints. but the prints weren’t of anything I was looking for, these prints were very canine and three toed but obviously bipedal. I got down on the ground and looked at these tracks from every angle but all I can say is they are exactly what they are. Canine three toed and obviously bipedal! Well I pushed myself up off the ground which these days takes a little effort. I started taking photographs of the trackway and footprints. I don’t mind telling anyone that looking far and finding Sasquatch tracks doesn’t bother me, but the thought of this dog man phenomena just weirds me out. I’ll tell you I don’t want to see something like that, but when we were in Tennessee we did find similar tracks in a area where they have been reported. But here I am back in Texas finding similar footprints, well I was beginning to wish that Travis and Brandon were with me.

I have already come face-to-face with Sasquatch, more than once actually. But I don’t really want to meet up with a dog man. With my guts all in knots I started out of the clearing but of course as if I was being taunted a stick hits the ground behind me somewhere in the clearing. Well I thought to myself just fell out of a tree, but there were no trees in that clearing so I walked away and did not look back.

I really hate to say this because I have some very good friends who actually research the dog man phenomena and one I know of one who has actually had a good sighting. My good friend Jeffrey Teagle would’ve probably been excited about these tracks too bad he couldn’t of been with me that day I’m sure he would’ve enjoyed it. But what I hate to say is that I think dog man and the thought of dog man is just very much unnatural to me. I believe that they exist I have found their tracks Travis has found their tracks. And to me finding tracks is very substantial evidence of the existence of whats not supposed to be out there. But of course is not definitive proof in science.

Well as I said when I started this report off I was very grateful for the cool wind blowing over the lake when I came out of the trees. I have added pictures of the footprints to my blog and I hope my readers find them interesting. Until next time the Hermit.


Stubblefield Lake Recreation Area

014Stubblefield Lake recreation area was built in 1937 by the civilian conservation Corps as part of one of President Franklin D Roosevelt’s new deal projects. But even before 1937 to the present day strange creatures have  been seen walking the thick pine forests and swamps of this area.
Eerie screams and sounds have been heard coming out of this area for decades. Many Bigfoot research organizations have come into this area and have deemed it a hotspot for Sasquatch activity. Many paranormal investigators consider this area also very haunted.

I can tell you from past experience that this area is a definite hotspot for Sasquatch activity and a paranormal investigators dream. We at The Texas Big Thicket Watch, and the East Texas unified natural research have been researching in here for many years and we are very rarely disappointed in our research results.

Even on those rare nights when no sound is coming from the forest and it is perfectly dead still. You can say I should just pick up my recording equipment and go home. But something reaches out from the forest to hold you still. It is like you are frozen and the forest is telling you wait it is coming and then we will all be safe. Suddenly out of the darkness, several powerful hits and  the breaking of bones as a awful scream of a deer dying comes loudly into your ears.
You’re still frozen and can’t move, your stomach suddenly feels squeamish and you realize you’ve been holding your breath. You realize you can hear the body of the deer being drug away. You go weak in the knees as something finally releases you and you can move, cold chills run up and down your spine then you decide you had enough for the night as you realize the whole thing took place no more than 50 yards away from your position. Yes we are very rarely disappointed out here.

On a paranormal note there has been a few deaths out here which include drownings a few overzealous hunters killing somone and a murder or two. Which does not include strange disappearances and stumbling upon a grave deep in the forest now and then.
I have an EMF detector that I always put out in certain areas. I’ll put them out on the road and just forget about them but sometimes they go off so often I have to go shut them off. Sometimes they mysteriously shut themselves off. We’ve heard the cries of a young child underneath the bridge but when we have gone to investigate we find nothing there.

Yes from Sasquatch sightings to the paranormal and a few even stranger sightings of a werewolf type creature there is always a mystery to be investigated out here in Stubblefield Lake. We do have a new mystery that started for us this year. I can tell you I do not know what they are I have no name to put on them. But we can call them Earth lights or ghost lights or simply just forest lights. This is a phenomenon that I have never run into. It seems so ironic that after 15 years of research in this area that this year we have come up with this new mystery. We have become obsessed with finding out what these lights are.
They seem to move to and fro in the pine forests and at times they seem to just be very still and will dim out completely. Then they will light up the forest in another area. We have seen them hover in the fork’s of trees and then move down to the forest floor and hold completely still. Just when we thought their color was a silvery white light we have found that they come in many colors such as blue red and sometimes green. What is even more amazing is that they seem to have an intelligence in the way that they will back away from you are lead you deeper into the forest. They even seem to try to split us up at times. But we no longer try to follow them. We do everything we can to document the lights and I will include some photos and a video you may have seen already.

I still don’t know what they are but at least all of our investigators have now had a brush with them. I will from time to time give a follow up on these lights they are very interesting to me and a complete puzzle as to why after 15 years researching in the same area these lights suddenly appear.
Stubblefield Lake recreation area is a wonderful place quiet and peaceful beautiful in many ways. But it can also be a mysterious and dangerous place so take care while you’re out there. Until next time the hermit.






Travis dripped sweat as he mowed down the grass and weeds in the camp we were to use for our newest expedition.
This was a great camping chose, it had seclusion and it was right up next to the lake itself. I was hoping the guys would be as excited as I was about this location. We were totally surrounded by thick trees with only two ways into the camp, one was a game trail at the back of camp, the other was a makeshift driveway that you could walk down. You might say we were in the thick of things.

When Travis was through mowing we brought in a load of firewood and kenneling. We set up our tents and laid out a fire and then sat back to wait for the guys to get here. Shane called us he was having car problems and wouldn’t be here until late that night. Lupe and Felipe were just leaving sugar land. So Travis and I thought that we would go ahead and set up some game cams.
We set one up in the woods behind the camp and found were several hogs have been coming through we also found some very large footprints and scuff marks made by large feet so we set up a game cam on this track line. We were holding out hope that we might actually capture video of the big guy.
Travis hid the camera very well, he put it high in the fork of an oak tree and secured it looking down upon the trail. I wanted to walk the track line further up into the forest but my shirt was already soaked through with  sweat and so I thought I would leave this for another day when the guys are here.

We walked out of the forest into some very tall grass and there was rattle weed everywhere. This area we call the dry Lake. Because at one time before our Texas drought this was part of the Lake. We would actually put our boats in right here where we were walking but now it is just many acres of grass broken by a tree here and there. The hogs move through here regularly they have grass tunnels through the tall grass and they bed down here everywhere. Travis and I walked out to the tall grass making our own trail as we went along. We hit a main trail and followed it to the water. Here Travis put up another game cam a little ways off the trail. We wanted to do some exploring but I can tell you the sun was beating down on us at 104°. So we turned around and after about 40 minutes we stumbled into camp exhausted from the heat. Taking bottles of cold water from our cooler we set down in our camp chairs and slowly sipped on the cold water. I don’t know what Travis was thinking but I can tell you I was really wondering if I was going to make it the whole four days with this heat. Well enough whining about the heat for now but I’m sure you’ll hear more about it later LOL.

Well we set in our chairs looking up at the sky. It was a beautiful turquoise blue with little white puffs of clouds slowly lazily blowing past. I guess we were both in our own little worlds because when the phone rang we both jumped. It was Felipe and they were not that far away, so Travis got up to start frying hamburgers to feed the guys. I went out onto the forest road to direct a guys to the camp. I think they were quite amazed at the remoteness of our camp and quite happy.
With the hellos out of the way and a couple of hamburgers under the belt, yes I said a couple, big dog started putting together his new parabolic mic. It was totally awesome and it had to be put on a tripod. That’s how big the sound catchers were and what was even more amazing is that Felipe made this all by himself. Felipe is one of the smartest people I know in communications and the microphone itself could be turned on and off remotely.

This new parabolic recording system was to prove itself that night when out of the blue came three game wardens who began to harass us and Felipe  got it all recorded. I’m not sure when he will release the recording or if he even will that will be up to him.But the wardens had no clue that everything they said does was recorded. He will probably need to check some laws before he can release it but I’m sure it will come out sooner or later.
But I was very angry when they came waltzing into our camp blinding everyone with their lights and not having the courtesy to announce who they are and what they wanted. I picked up my big cordless floodlight and I blinded them and asked them who they were. It was only then that they realized their mistake and quickly announce themselves as federal officers. I think it shook who we figured was the senior officer up and so now instead of intimidating us they were a bit intimidated themselves. They soon found out that we were completely legal with our sidearm and license and the weapons we had in our trunks as well. We had hunting license and hunters orange inside our vehicles. It is open season on hogs and legal to hunt them where we were at.
What was totally hilarious was they’d never even looked at Felipe and he had sunk so deep into his chair I thought he would come out the back end of it LOL. They didn’t even ask about the parabolic recording system. They did make us move our cars I guess they had to do something but it upset me a bit because I always sleep in the back of the truck and now I would have to sleep on the Park Road a way from camp. And don’t start on me because I wasn’t scared I was just aggravated. We marveled at the fact that they didn’t even shine a flashlight on Felipe. He told us that he had cloaked himself with his mind so they couldn’t see him and we all had a good laugh. We poked a little fun at the wardens as big dog played back the recording, but the fact remained how did they even know we were out here. Because they came straight to us and we are well hidden back in our camp.

Well the night brought with it a horde of mosquitoes and soon the air around the camp was full of the smell of deep woods off. Well we made our way to our bedrolls, itching and scratching and slapping mosquitoes the whole way. Oh how I love the smell of deep woods off and the sweet buzz of mosquitoes.{ huh I’m kidding you know}.
I made my way down the forest trail to the Park Road. All the vehicles had been parked down at the end of the road so I took the short hike to the truck and climbed into the back of it. I was aggravated by the heat and the mosquitoes but I had a nice battery-powered fan that help blow the mosquitoes away and I was soon cooling off. I could hear the murmurs of voices from the camp. I was laying on top of my sleeping bag looking up at the night sky, here the stars were bright and they filled the sky with Silverlight. I could smell the water from the Lake and I let the frogs be my lullaby. I was dead tired and fell asleep quickly.

It was about four the morning when heavy footsteps in front of the truck woke me up. They seem to be retreating back into the forest. I listened for a moment longer and then set up with my floodlight. In the near distance behind thick trees something actually turned around and looked at me. I could see when it blinked at eyes And it kept turning it’s had to the left As if looking at something. If I had to guess I would say That it’s Height Was a round 6 1/2 probably 7 feet tall. I Shining my light At where I knew its eyes were And got some excellent I shine. Suddenly this creature bolted to the left And begin to Scream A bloodcurdling scream. It ran down the track line Towards the back of the camp With his scream continuing. Suddenly Out on the road I heard footsteps And I turned and shined my Floodlight At the sounds. Something tall and dark Bolted into the trees As soon as my light Hit It And it went in Directly Behind Our big tent. At that time Lupe heard it And got up And won’t Felipe up. Both of them made their way Down the forest trail To the Park Road. They came down the road to check on me And We three Went over All the events And checking the time It was now 4:38.
When daylight broke Shane and I and Travis Begin the look around on the road tracks. We discovered A track way and tall grass. We could see where it had come down And out of the forest And walked along behind the camp And where it had gone in The trees behind the big tent After I had spotlighted. It had been quite an event One we weren’t expecting.

I am going to add some of our videos we made so all can see the events that unfolded afterwards and I will end this here. We did make many discoveries. I hope you enjoy the videos. Until next time the hermit.–ExfqWc