Getting hit with limbs and sticks.

Snapshot 3 (5-19-2014 6-19 PM)Well, Brandon and I pulled into an area normally called monkey Woods this is a remote site and I will not disclose its location, but I will describe it to you.
After a long and bumpy drive. We finally came to the cut off and we took the one to the right side and we bumped along for a few more moments. To the left there is a dirt road that goes quite deep into the forest, and that was the road we took we bumped along and finally came to a camp that we always use.
The camp was high on a hill and the hill ran all the way through the pine trees and then down into a lower section of woods, which we call the boneyard. We call it the boneyard because of the many hogs skulls we find in this area, and of course backbones and hide legs. We also find deer bones. Sometimes a torn up coyote. Below our camp to the right. There is a very large pond about the size of a half-acre and running along the pond is a leve

But let’s head back into the boneyard for a moment in this area there is another hill and all the hill is green grass and a lot of green brush and there is more water. This water is actually a spring and in that area of green grass and brush which is about an acre is a small family group of Sasquatches.
Hence the name monkey Woods.
Well, Brandon laid out a campfire and pulled up more wood to go along with what we had brought While he  was doing that I begin to get the equipment ready for the night. After everything was ready and done we headed down towards the pond and there we put up the thermal cameras. We aimed them the best we could up onto the hill to watch anything that might approach us. I tell you we were in for a big surprise that night. We knew that family group lived near the spring and a lot of times, other campers who come in here are ran off quite often. Well, after putting up the thermal trap cameras and putting out our audio we went back to the truck and just layed back to watch the sun, go down. This is one of my favorite times in the woods when the sun’s fading and the shadows begin to grow long that is when the day. Slowly falls asleep and the night awakens. We could hear the little animals starting to scurry around. Possums’s and armadillos and we could also hear the Little whistles that the birds make when they go to roost. Often the distance some crows decided to wake up and be angry at something and were making a hellish racket, but when they finally quieted down a whippoorwill began to call out to the night. We listen to his lonely song for a long while. When abruptly it just stopped.

We raised up in the back of the truck to listen and noticed that the moon was rising full over the tops of the Pines. Suddenly we realized that we were not alone. With that knowledge, the first tree limb flew in and hit the truck. We could hear running feet and then another tree limb. After a while it became pieces of tree, and of course dirt with pebbles it. Well, Brandon and I were smiling at each other through the darkness. You may think were crazy, but this is what we live far, and with the trap thermal cameras we were hoping we were getting it all. We could hear them run back and forth and the tree limbs and broken trees flew in to camp, nonstop. I’ve been told that these creatures have long memories. And if that is true. They knew well who we were, because this wasn’t the first time we had been in here. We have hiked in the daytime and night we been hit with sticks and rocks and if they do have long memories. Then they knew. We didn’t run easily.

While all this was going on. We were hoping beyond hope that the trap thermal cameras were getting all of it, and so viewing at the next day we realized that we had made somewhat of a mistake. We didn’t aim them up far enough on the heels but yet we did get some very good thermal hits.
Actually, we got 18 full minutes because they would run down off the heel pick up their ammunition and run back up the hill. So if you watch in this footage over by the words flir, you will see them running to and fro. We were very excited about this footage, and I know if we can blow it up, you would be able to see better what is going on, but I believe you should be able to see enough to know that us poor guys at the extreme left on the heel were utterly being bombarded with everything they could throw. It wasn’t till they came right up to the truck about 30 feet and began to jump in the air slap their hands and feet on the ground that we decided it was a little too intense and we should leave.

I hope that you can see it and enjoy it also. I have included our next day investigation where we find the footprints on the hill and we take you into the boneyard. Well thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoy the videos. Please click like.
Until the next time the hermit.


This report has some very strange twists to it. We had something happen that never happened before and it kind of took our breath away. This night started out pretty much the same as all the others, driving lonely dark roads until they end in the shadows of the trees, we would stop and listen for a long time, and get out and move around. We would use the flare looking for heat signatures and would find some, mostly deer a small wood rat and then more deer. It was very quiet and the stars were out shineing like diamonds in the night sky. I was sitting in the back of the truck and I just laid my head back and watched the sky for a while and listened. I could’ve rolled up in my sleeping bag and stayed there the whole night. It was so wonderfully peaceful, but out of nowhere came a wonderful serenade from the local coyotes also something very large crossed the fence and we could hear the wire strain under the weight. After a few minutes  Toby got up, and growled and was watching behind us in the heavy brush. After about 10 minutes. Toby laid back down and we could hear the fence. Strain again under a heavy weight whatever had come to look at us decided to go back across the fence. The creature was probably thinking we were just campers. The night became very quiet and peaceful again trees creaked out in the forest as a small wind bluw.

We waited for another hour, but still. It was quiet and so we decided that we would move on. So, off again. We went down the dirt roads and we finally after many miles ended up by the lake. It is always very eerie here. Some nights it can be very intense. This is one of the big man’s favorite spots. He comes in here because of the shallows, and eats frogs which there is an abundance of, he will dig freshwater mussels here and chased large fish all under cover of night and the 10 foot reeds that surrounds the shallows. We have to be very careful. We’ve been charged in here before and many things have happened to other people, the big man does not like humans in this area. This is his house, his kitchen. And I think he likes to dine alone.

Also there are a lot of hogs that share the shallows with the big man as well as water moccasins and copperheads. We have seen bobcats and cougars in this area also and the alligators are beginning to wake up and hunt for whatever critter comes their way.
We rolled our windows down and Tim turned the truck off, everything went quiet. Absolutely no sound but it lasted for only a few minutes when a blast of sound nearly rocked the truck. Well I knew we had just made the big man angry as I said he doesn’t like people in this area, and he’s not shy to let us know. I quickly stuck the recorder out the window and was able to get some very good sounds. We heard tree knocks and hand slaps and heavy footsteps moved on either side of us, but eventually sensing no danger. They seem to go back to the task at hand which of course was food. We listened for hours to what sounded like bipedal creatures running through the shallows throwing large logs and vocalizing. We also begin to hear what people call chatter as if they were calling back and forth to one another. And then there would be more hand slaps in a tree knocks nearby.
Just when we thought we had been forgotten about. We could hear the pinging of dirt being slung at the truck. We set quietly listening trying to locate the culprit with our flare, but there was a long large mound of dirt behind the truck and we thought that’s where he was.

When that didn’t get us to leave something large ran over that dirt mound and like a baseball player slid up behind the truck and actually went underneath! We could hear it, pulling things and bumping around underneath. It also seemed to be making a whispering sound as if perhaps it was talking to itself. I was able to record this all. I can say this had never happened before. Having one actually slip up underneath the truck was actually creepy. Then this one moved away and into the trees. I’am not sure if it was the same one, but Tim jumped and so did I we had been watching the side mirrors. Looking back behind us, when suddenly a tall dark figure ran over the mound of dirt straight towards the back of the truck and darted left. All of this happened in just a few seconds.Tim started the truck and as we pulled away we were in agreement that we had overstepped her bounds and sense it was 4 o’clock in the morning we decided to call it a night. In other words, we got the hell out of Dodge.

Until next time the hermit. Stay safe everyone.2011-08-14 08.11.002011-08-14 08.12.192011-08-14 08.14.30

2014 winter expedition

The freezing rain pelted us and the icy wind stung our faces. The ice storm had moved in full force and just in time for our first expedition of 2014. Only a few hardy souls had showed up and like fools. We stood like in a trance watching the forest lights. This is creepy Filpe said as he watched the lights dance to and fro. Without a doubt this cold winter night was proving to be a good one for forest lights anyway. But just when we thought this night could not get any better, yet another mystery sprung up from the ground itself. With an, eerie green glow the ground itself begin to produce light and excitedly we moved from one ring of light to another, trying to catch this phenomenon on camera and just when we thought we were documenting a brand-new mystery we realized that the cold and water saturated ground was bringing up earthworms that were actually glowing with a green florescent light, and I knew I had seen this before. While digging for earthworms at night when I was a child I had seen them before, just like this and then sounding truly amazed Felipe picked up a worm and said it’s earthworms the earthworms are glowing green!

I told everyone. If I had not dug so many earthworms when I was a child I would not of even known what this was. But yes earthworms can glow green. Everyone was a bit excited about this discovery, and it is truly amazing. But not uncommon for these worms to do this, so everyone turned their attention back to the forest lights and the phenomenon that was unfolding in front of us in the Piney woods. I had grown up on Scottish and Irish lore and so I thought of fairies and faerie fire and the little sprites from the old stories I’ve been told as a kid. I thought of my grandmother and great-grandmother who told those stories and I smiled, knowing that they would’ve enjoyed being here this night with us to watch the lights dance in the forest. We moved as one out into the forest. Slowly, we walked, but the lights eluded us. Then dimmed and went away all but one bright light Felipe, Brandon and I had our doubts about this light, though it danced and shimmered it seemed to stay in one spot so I drew out my compass and decided on just this one light after taking the bearings and the stinging cold taking its toll we decided to come back in the daytime and use the compass to help us find this one light our its source.

So we moved out of the forest and back into the open the freezing rain beat down on us. Tapping on our clothes with icy fingers and the wind cut in to us like knives. We were glad to get back into our trucks and turn our heaters on high and leave all this nonsense behind, morning would come soon enough.

Well, morning did come and the temperature was about 19° my old bones hurt with the cold and I can tell you I was exhausted from sleepless nights. Okay! Okay! I guess I should stop whining now. LOL. But I decided that I would stay at camp while the young men track down the source of that one light. So I gave Felipe my compass and making sure he knew the reading I had taken that night they happily loaded up into the truck’s and started on their way. It was a long walk but they stayed right on compass and my line on the map, sure enough, took them straight to a new ranch building and a very brand-new security light. So this light, I can safely say we have debunked. However, it still does not debunk the dozen or so lights we see moving among the trees and going across the roads. Honestly, I am glad the guys got this all out of their system the lights don’t seem to be as important as they were, but they are still a mystery to us. But we have gotten used to them being there, lighting up the forest in sections with their ghostly glows. We can now get back to the task at hand which has always been Sasquatch research, we will still report on these lights from time to time, but right now they are just there and that’s all I can say about them. One mystery solved several more to go. I am a Sasquatch researcher at heart and if there’s anything paranormal out there that we may run into. Well I’ll leave that to the paranormal experts.

                                                                          Thanks for reading. Please hit like and until next time. The hermit


We turned off the main highway onto the forest road. Travis drove slowly, we had not been in here for a couple years and much had changed. The forest was thicker and the underbrush was taller the old forest road was bumpier. Gravel pinged under the truck as we drove along. About a mile down the road Travis pulled up and stopped and pointed to the left. He said that’s where the old homestead was, you couldn’t see anything but tall undergrowth and the trees that had once been small were now 8 to 10 feet tall. The little homestead and corral had been totally concealed and  Travis said, it would take us a couple of hours to bushwhack down the old trail to get  there.

We had hunted out of that corral many times bagging deer and hogs. Plus it had been a good place to set up our audio equipment for sounds Travis just shook his head and drove on. Then said no bushwhacking today Pop not enough daylight left. I wasn’t too disappointed, though I really doubt I had two hours of steady bushwhacking in my whole body anyway, no I think I’ll leave that for Brandon and Travis to do.
Well, the little forest road had a few new washouts but they weren’t to bad. And so we bumped along until we came to the first hunters camp and we stopped in there and had a look around.

This hunters camp was probably as large as 4 acres, and this is where our friend Tim Sermons and his crew of researchers had had their sighting just a few days before. I was excited for them. But not just for the sighting, but because seven researchers were able to have the same experience at the same time, and I believe that that is a bit historic, I don’t believe that has ever happened before. I brought Tim onto my radio show the big thicket watch, and now this Thursday, December 5 at 8 PM we will have some of those researchers on to give us their personal experiences and tell us what they saw that night.
I believe that this will be a good and informative show.

Well Travis and I bumped out of the first hunters camp and made our way to the last one which was our destination. We scouted a bit up and down the trails and as it began to get dark we broke out our audio equipment and found a good spot about 150 yards away and set our recorder in a tree. Then we walked back to the truck and hunkered down to listen to the night sounds and what ever it may bring. After a couple of hours just listening. We were suddenly rewarded with the sounds of limbs being broken out of trees. It was so loud we could hear them crystal-clear and we were amazed that this went on for several hours. And we also recorded several low suspicious whoops and chatters I can tell you it was very exciting.

Soon Tim pulled into the campground which was deserted, but for us. After greetings all around Tim broke out his thermal and him and Travis begin to monitor it and I leaned back against the truck. Closing my eyes I listened for the big man and for the forest to return to its normal business, but it was about an hour before everything returned to normal. Tim and Travis begin to get hits on the thermal and I went over to have a look, sure enough there were heat signatures moving through the trees and brush it was not something substantial, but it was there and it was moving. Travis is very excited about this type of technology, especially since we do a lot of our work at night. In the wintertime.

Suddenly not too far away and totally unexpected. There was a loud scream with a whoop that followed the end of it. We all stood very quiet  listening to the night and digesting this one event Tim decided to answer and after several long minutes was rewarded with an answer back. This went on back and forth first a creature and then Tim as if they were having a conversation then it would all stop for a little while and when it picked back up the creature was closer and on they went again Tim put out his recorder and I believe the creature had moved up within a couple hundred yards from us. With the limbs breaking and now, creatures, talking back and forth. The night had become full of energy and we were all very excited from the outcome this night had brought us. I am sure the creature knew that we were the hairless ones, but still he came closer and spoke with us. I have often wondered what these creatures think of us invading their territory and tring to talk to them, I’m sure. We are as alien to them as they are to us and as mysterious as well. Our machines fly overhead bring with them great noise, and our cars and trucks and RVs rumble down the Park roads occasionally one of the creatures may throw a rock out and you hear hit the bed of your truck. What is he trying to tell us our perhaps is it just a game. I’m sure they love to see our reaction as a rock flies in to our camps and rolls up to our feet. We try to take it with a grain of salt, but for most campers who are not, used to this phenomenon as we are. I’m quite sure it’s a comical reaction to them. Perhaps that’s why they do it, but we really don’t know their mind, but I’m sure they know us as the creatures that cut down whole forests and leave nothing but emptiness behind.

This night had been  very exciting to us because they spoke to us and they let us hear all their night endeavors as humans we call this world  ours, but I believe we really are the trespassers. The forest is there world they live with it, and it provides for them. All they need.

                                                                              Until next time the hermit.


Most of you who read my blog knows that I haven’t been putting anything out lately, but that’s because I have been writing a book which is taken up much of my time. I’m getting close to finishing. Hopefully it will be out by Christmas. There is so much negotiating going on that my time is been spent with that, and of course going in the field. So I do have a lot of field reports to put out. And since I’ve decided to take a little bit of a break from the negotiating table. I thought I would get in a few of my field reports. So in this report. I’m going to talk about a subject that is intrigued me since the very beginning of the year as well as other new discoveries we found.

After 40 years in the field. I have been fortunate enough to be able to study some of the everyday habits of this creature we call Sasquatch. Well I know I have just made an awfully large claim in this last statement, but simply it’s true much of my life has been spent living alone in the Piney woods of East Texas and up in the Rocky Mountains and a lot of you may be aware that I have been a prospector in a mine owner. I have also been a rock hound and have cut and shaped my own rocks faceted semi precious gems and made a lot of my own jewelry and belt buckles to sell outside of many of the national parks. I did all this out of the back of an old rusty U-Haul trailer. I had bought and hauled around with me. The only power I had was a generator. It wasn’t a bad living. I was free and I miss it sometimes very much, but I also missed high mountains in the Piney woods. So I would park my rolling rock shop

at my brother’s house and back into the wilderness. I would go. It was hard for me to stay gone from those high lonely peaks in the Piney woods. It was there that I had my experiences with the Sasquatch creature. I really wasn’t looking for him but he became a big part of my life. I’ve heard it said many times that he chooses you. With all the mystery surrounding this creature. I wish he had chosen somebody else but all in all I’ve had a good life and my sons and daughters have grown up in those high lonely places and had experiences of their own.

Well I didn’t mean for this to start out as a autobiography so I’am going to dig right into this report. I guess the point I was trying to get across that after 40 years actually 41 years now of spending my life and I mean years of the time in these high lonely reaches and in the Piney woods of East Texas. I have had time to see so many things that I cannot explain, from strange things in the sky, the animals that seem not only at a place, but out of time. That is exactly how it feels when you’re looking straight into a timeworn face wrinkled with age of a Sasquatch. It sometimes reminds me of looking into the faces of the aboriginal people of Australia and many other lonely places around the world. I really don’t know what a Sasquatch is and that is one of the two mysteries. I want to talk about today.

You see, something is happening out in our area of research. This is a mystery that has not only stopped me in my tracks. But something I have had a hard time understanding considering it only started this year and we have been in this area for 15 years now and have never seen this and yes am talking about the forest lights that we see I have done a lot of investigative work to try and understand this phenomenon, which doesn’t only happen in our forest, but it has been seen on roads and in deserts. Here in Texas and there are other places around the world I have discovered I have researched and discovered many opinions, and many many myths of the strange lights but I just couldn’t grasp ahold of many of the explanations for these lights. But in my search I have finally found a scientific answer that I can almost hold as truth. There is a man, a Japanese scientist and theoretical physicist who has found this question. Interesting enough to actually go out into the field with equipment to try to explain this phenomenon.

I’m not going to provide his name because I do not have permission to do so at the time of this writing I like to be very careful when I am putting out people’s names without their permission. But I can tell you he has been seen on many television shows, and is considered one of the most brilliant minds of this age. I have full confidence that with a little snooping. You will find out on talking about.

The research has discovered that these are large plasma balls that have the ability to retain the energy inside of them and to actually fill themselves with more energy and become extremely bright. It is also my understanding that these plasma balls can retain their energy for possibly hundreds or thousands of years, and they usually stay in the same area. Throughout all this time, it is not understood just how they work, or why they retain their own inner energy. But, after careful observation. These plasma balls move with an apparent intelligence and have been seen and documented as moving up to and over vehicles and disrupting the electrical flow through to the engine, therefore causing the motor to stop running. They have also been known and have been observed following cars blocking from continuing down a road and people who have tried to follow them have actually become disoriented and sometimes lost, but plasma balls they can actually be measured through equipment is a phenomenon I can actually understand.

What intrigues me about the scientists work was that a lot of his work was done outside of Beaumont, Texas, and other spots around East Texas and the fact that it has been acknowledged that they do move with their own intelligence. We now know and have a little bit of knowledge of what this phenomenon is but still the question or mystery is, are they a life form do they hold some type of life force inside of them. I and my team of investigators have experienced firsthand the intelligence that these so-called plasma balls can display to the point of getting our group to separate onto different paths. There are many myths and legends surrounding these forest lights and they’ve been called many things such as spirits, earth lights, demon lights, forest lights, swamp gas and even fairy lights. Perhaps one day science will come up with equipment that can not only measure their energy output, but can recognize whether or not these plasma balls are also a life force, but for me this is scientific proof that these balls of light actually do exist.

I have heard it said on many occasions that the lights appear during Sasquatch encounters I have to say I was rather a skeptic for many years, but I can tell you now these lights do seem to be present during heavy Sasquatch activity in our research area why I can tell you because I really don’t know. Perhaps these lights do have a correlation with Sasquatch activity or perhaps it is just coincidence that they are. But for me. It is a mystery. I would like to solve.

Well this has just been some of my ramblings. I hope you enjoyed it and let me say to you. Until next time the Hermit


The thunderstorm finally broke and a few brave stars shone dimly through the rain clouds.
Raindrops fell loudly onto the truck from out of the Pines, that we were hiding in. We knew this to be a good spot because the Pines here were just a few feet over the hood of the truck and the larger Pines were a little further away and we had seen them take massive lightning strikes in the past, and the smaller Pines seem to be the safer bet. Travis and I know these research areas very well after 15 years, we have mapped a path that seems to be their mode of travel and we have mapped other trails that seem to be. Sometimes trails and many others that are all the time trails. It has been hard work really to map this out has taken many years and many miles walking, but we have compiled a very good map of sightings and mysterious disappearances and their path ways.

A bout a half mile from where we are. There is a spring fed pond which gets a lot of activity from the Sasquatch’s and we have discovered from there they follow this trail that we are sitting right in the middle of it.
The thunderstorm has left the night pitched dark and just a little creepy and things just got creepier the night exploded the of sound sticks being broken all around us and  the pine trees were being shook these creatures never cease to amaze me, because we never heard them coming. Until now. Now they wanted us to hear them. I suppose they wanted to gauge what our reaction would be by them sneaking up on us. We know that they get angry, but also I believe that a lot of this is a game because most people would be fleeing in terror right now tents, dragging behind them. I’m quite sure it gives the Sasquatch’s quite a giggle, but most of the time they mean no harm. Travis and I stood our ground and resisted the need to turn on some light. One thing we have learned about Sasquatch’s is this little game he likes to play can turn quite intense. When you stand your ground. I quickly put the recorder on the hood of the truck trying to catch their surprised voices when we did not move, we could hear quite a bit of mumbling and there was some type of speech being thrown around among them, as well as whistles and clicks and a few monkey grunts.

Well we did stand our ground and because of it. We had a few sticks thrown at us some handfuls of mud and a lot of tree shaking right next to the truck. Once, I think we were even pushed because the truck lurched forwards and then backwards again. Travis and I continue just to stay quiet and still inside the cab of the truck. But it was hard. We been through this more than once, and this is just the reaction we were looking for but one thing I don’t like is when they turn quiet as they have done. Now, because you never know what their next plan is and when they turn this quiet. You also never know whether their sneaking closer or whether their sneaking away but we could not take the total quiet for much longer. And after about 19 minutes yes I said 19 minutes LOL. I reached out to get the recorder off the roof of the truck and Travis started the engine and we slowly backed out from our hidden spot and as if they were saying don’t let the forest kick you in the butt. We got a large tree limb thrown at the back of the truck. Well we didn’t look back. But I’m sure they knew that we would come back some other night and we would play this game again and I fully don’t mind letting them win because we have at least 28 minutes of audio. So the joke is on them. I think LOL

We decided to set our sights on the bridge. I’m not going to say where I hope you don’t mind, but the story goes about this bridge that during a flood. Many people drowned. There was one story in particular of a woman and her child. Many people fish off this bridge at night, but none stay for very long. The boys and I have heard a child crying underneath this bridge, more than once and the boys have heard what sounded like a woman scream in anguish and so like knotty children who are not supposed to dabble in the paranormal. We decided to do EVP’s on top of the bridge and so here we go. I began by asking a series of questions at first it seemed like they would be no answers, but then coming down the bridge and passing right past us where heavy footsteps Travis turned his flashlight on and begin to look around and I just went on with my questions. We did get what sounded like a child. It was faint. Quick and accompanied with a few more footsteps. Well I turned my full attention to the woman who was supposed to have drowned here and am pretty sure I got some very quiet answers. We spent about 20 minutes on the bridge and after feeling cold winds and hearing more footsteps. I thought perhaps we’d scared ourselves enough. After all were supposed to be Sasquatch researchers not paranormal researchers, but around here, you almost need to be both because the paranormal raises up on a lot of occasions.

From the bridge. We moved on down the road into a very lonely and remote area. This area is where the torn up camp was and like. Brave little Sasquatch researchers who are perhaps a little apprehensive and had some butterflies in our stomachs, we backed up exactly in the same spot that the torn up camp and been in. I stuck my recorder out on top of the truck. Believe me, there was going to be no night walks tonight almost immediately we got this growly strange primate type sounds that sent a few chills up and down our spines and we also got at least one tree slap that it became very quiet. I had broken out our night vision equipment and Travis and I set quietly peering into the dark we had set quietly for quite a while, but then suddenly there was the sound of what could only be described as a large portion of a tree being drug along the ground, and then dropped. It sounded so close i immediately came up with my floodlight and started looking around I got what I thought was eye shine and then nothing a small bat came and played around my light eating mosquitoes and as soon as my light went out, we got more angry type primate sounds very deep throated and something ran alongside of the truck and was gone. I took my handy cam out and turned my floodlight back on I was trying to see what had gone past. Looking around I could also hear footsteps in the trees and brush beside the truck than Travis suddenly declared there is something behind us, and I tried to turn around to see what was there and capture it on my handy cam. But of course it was gone and everything became deathly quiet. The forest had that strange feel to them for a long while. We just sat quietly waiting for something to happen. We felt many shifts in the way the forest felt, and then after the long silence water birds started up as if something had disturbed their sleep. That made us jump and we chuckled at each other as we peer  out into the darkness. Well it was 4:30 in the morning and we were having trouble keeping our eyes open. So we turned on the lights in the truck packed up our equipment took one last look around and headed for the house to go over our audio. We did leave some game cams out, if we get anything on them. It will probably be deer hogs and hopefully another cougar but for now, let us say goodbye, and I hope that everyone will like my report, there was not much here. I know, but until the next time.The Hermit





It was midnight when we pulled up to the end of the park road. This area is very remote and we catch a lot of sounds out here.
It was very very still this night and when Travis and I got out of the truck it felt almost criminal to close the doors and break the silence. So we left the doors open and stood by the truck for a while and just listened to the quiet murmur of the wind blowing through the trees.
The temperature was very nice much better than 102 it had been during the day.

We quietly got out our sound equipment and our handy cams then walked over to the metal gate that separates the two park roads. We stood for a long time neither of us talking just listening to the night and enjoying the slight wind and cooler temperatures. That’s the way it is sometimes when you come out here, it can be so dark and quiet and strangely beautiful. The moon was just coming up and we could see it through the trees. We caught the scent of musk. But it wasn’t a harsh smell are putrid it was just a soft scent of animal and we knew what it was. It is in my opinion that females put out this soft scent when they are taking care of their young. We could also smell the scent of just dug earth but I don’t believe it was hogs. I believe it was females digging out places to make their beds. We’re fairly certain that this is one of their bedding grounds. It is probably a sometimes place for them and I’m sure they were enjoying the lower temperatures also.

This area is also a place full of paranormal events and where we see our lights in the forest. I still don’t know what these lights are but I have come to the conclusion that they are directed by some intelligence. They may be spookes but I really don’t know that much about them. But this night they did come out of the forest and seem to check us out. They moved quickly and it was hard to get them in frame to take a picture but I did get a good picture and one actually slowly moved up in front of me and slowly went to the ground where I got a picture of it and a small pine tree that it knocked over. Already I thought this night is going to prove to be very crazy. Well while Travis and I stood watching all this take place it was like we were in a whole other world. I started to chuckle because I thought about what Felipe had been saying about the lights. He’s joking of course but he always calls them fairies. Well I really don’t know what they are I don’t think there fairies but who really knows because at this point any explanation is better than none LOL. I am going to continue to report on these lights because it is quite intriguing and right now watching these lights I’m reminded of fairytales.

Travis decided to set up his handy cam on the hood of the truck to see if he can catch the lights and anything that might pass by while we were looking the other way. He did set up a small white light that shone out onto the road. He did this to get a better video because his handy cams does not have night shot. What Travis got on video was quite outstanding in my opinion and I will include the video in this report.

Well I stood at the back of the truck and Travis stood in the front. I just happened to look over towards Travis and to my surprise though I shouldn’t of been there was a shadow that passed by him that was no taller than his waist. It was the perfect outline of a small child and it went past him quickly but no sooner than that had happened Travis suddenly moved towards me and said I have cold chills and the whole night seems different. He was actually visibly shaking and I put my hands on his arms and he was like touching ice. Well it took Travis a while to get over this and I told him what I saw. We stood discussing the whole thing and Travis had been telling twice what I had seen go past him.
There is another name for this part of the forest a lot of the locals including us have kind of nickname for it { The Ghost Forest}. And believe me it does live up to its name at times.

Travis was really spooked and my hair kept standing up so we mutually agreed to head to one of our other areas. Travis was starting to feel better as we moved on down the road. I don’t know why the paranormal doesn’t understand that were looking for Sasquatch not spookes and ghost LOL. But for some reason we seem to get our fair share of both and we are not happy researchers when the paranormal sticks its head out of the Piney woods and says howdy.

We turned off on another lonely remote road that would take us out towards the lake. This area has seen its share of sightings and we have had our share of personal experiences here also. The road is long and lonely and at night a little bit spooky. Travis and I had decided that we would go all the way to the end of the road and set up some more sound equipment and then take our night vision and walk a track line we found a few days before.

As we pulled in at the end of the road we could see right away that something was wrong with a camp someone had put up. There was trash all over the road and strange stains. The tent was half knocked down and many of the trees around the camping site were also knocked down and we could see that the campfire was spread over a wide area that made this situation even more dangerous because it could have caused a wildfire. We are very cautious while coming into an abandoned camp or one that looks like this one. So we set the truck and took in the situation for a good while. Finally I got out and said hello several times. But there was no answer from the tent are anywhere in the woods. I was afraid that someone may be hurt in the tent and so we did investigate. They seem to be no sign of anyone anywhere but there were sounds in the woods that sounded like grunts and grumbles.
We checked the tent to see if anyone was possibly hurt or God for bid dead. But we found nothing. So leaving this mystery up to the forestry Department we made our report and was asked to leave the area so we did. But before this we did have a chance to look around and document the situation through video. I will add this video to my blog and you can make your own decision by watching the video.

But Travis and I do have our own opinion and to us being on the ground there that night looking at the tracks in the torn up forest I believe everyone out there will probably know what our assessment was. I will just leave it at that and if you will please click like. Best wishes and God bless and until the next time The Hermit.




I walked out of the forest and the wind over the lake hit me with cool and refreshing air. My walk through the Pines had been hot but very productive.
I had started my search for anything out of the ordinary on an old Park Road near an old grave and a huge cedar tree with twisted and broken branches.
I knew very well that these breaks were not natural and there was only one thing I know that could’ve actually broke these limbs. No other trees around it were hurt our seem to of been touched only this huge cedar tree some of the branches that had been twisted were as big as my arm around. Being very intrigued by this I decided to start my search here. So I set out alone this time, but I had two canteens of water and some trail mix for energy.

Picking my way through the Pines I discovered right away a large wide trail with broken branches in the trees about maybe eight-foot high. This trail drew me deeper into the forest and as I walked along I searched the ground for footprints and studied tree after tree for possible hair samples. I walked about 2 miles watching the ground, but the forest floor was hard packed and littered with leaves and pine needles. I found many disturbed areas which could of only been footsteps but the way they were was nothing definitive. I decided that I would take a small break the heat under the thick canopy was very hard for me to handle. I poured water over my head and drank from my canteens and after about 10 minutes I went on my way.

The trail made a very stealthy turned to the left which I almost missed, but after I got back on track I found that the trail crossed into a clearing a couple hundred yards ahead and that is where I got my first break for good prints. but the prints weren’t of anything I was looking for, these prints were very canine and three toed but obviously bipedal. I got down on the ground and looked at these tracks from every angle but all I can say is they are exactly what they are. Canine three toed and obviously bipedal! Well I pushed myself up off the ground which these days takes a little effort. I started taking photographs of the trackway and footprints. I don’t mind telling anyone that looking far and finding Sasquatch tracks doesn’t bother me, but the thought of this dog man phenomena just weirds me out. I’ll tell you I don’t want to see something like that, but when we were in Tennessee we did find similar tracks in a area where they have been reported. But here I am back in Texas finding similar footprints, well I was beginning to wish that Travis and Brandon were with me.

I have already come face-to-face with Sasquatch, more than once actually. But I don’t really want to meet up with a dog man. With my guts all in knots I started out of the clearing but of course as if I was being taunted a stick hits the ground behind me somewhere in the clearing. Well I thought to myself just fell out of a tree, but there were no trees in that clearing so I walked away and did not look back.

I really hate to say this because I have some very good friends who actually research the dog man phenomena and one I know of one who has actually had a good sighting. My good friend Jeffrey Teagle would’ve probably been excited about these tracks too bad he couldn’t of been with me that day I’m sure he would’ve enjoyed it. But what I hate to say is that I think dog man and the thought of dog man is just very much unnatural to me. I believe that they exist I have found their tracks Travis has found their tracks. And to me finding tracks is very substantial evidence of the existence of whats not supposed to be out there. But of course is not definitive proof in science.

Well as I said when I started this report off I was very grateful for the cool wind blowing over the lake when I came out of the trees. I have added pictures of the footprints to my blog and I hope my readers find them interesting. Until next time the Hermit.


Stubblefield Lake Recreation Area

014Stubblefield Lake recreation area was built in 1937 by the civilian conservation Corps as part of one of President Franklin D Roosevelt’s new deal projects. But even before 1937 to the present day strange creatures have  been seen walking the thick pine forests and swamps of this area.
Eerie screams and sounds have been heard coming out of this area for decades. Many Bigfoot research organizations have come into this area and have deemed it a hotspot for Sasquatch activity. Many paranormal investigators consider this area also very haunted.

I can tell you from past experience that this area is a definite hotspot for Sasquatch activity and a paranormal investigators dream. We at The Texas Big Thicket Watch, and the East Texas unified natural research have been researching in here for many years and we are very rarely disappointed in our research results.

Even on those rare nights when no sound is coming from the forest and it is perfectly dead still. You can say I should just pick up my recording equipment and go home. But something reaches out from the forest to hold you still. It is like you are frozen and the forest is telling you wait it is coming and then we will all be safe. Suddenly out of the darkness, several powerful hits and  the breaking of bones as a awful scream of a deer dying comes loudly into your ears.
You’re still frozen and can’t move, your stomach suddenly feels squeamish and you realize you’ve been holding your breath. You realize you can hear the body of the deer being drug away. You go weak in the knees as something finally releases you and you can move, cold chills run up and down your spine then you decide you had enough for the night as you realize the whole thing took place no more than 50 yards away from your position. Yes we are very rarely disappointed out here.

On a paranormal note there has been a few deaths out here which include drownings a few overzealous hunters killing somone and a murder or two. Which does not include strange disappearances and stumbling upon a grave deep in the forest now and then.
I have an EMF detector that I always put out in certain areas. I’ll put them out on the road and just forget about them but sometimes they go off so often I have to go shut them off. Sometimes they mysteriously shut themselves off. We’ve heard the cries of a young child underneath the bridge but when we have gone to investigate we find nothing there.

Yes from Sasquatch sightings to the paranormal and a few even stranger sightings of a werewolf type creature there is always a mystery to be investigated out here in Stubblefield Lake. We do have a new mystery that started for us this year. I can tell you I do not know what they are I have no name to put on them. But we can call them Earth lights or ghost lights or simply just forest lights. This is a phenomenon that I have never run into. It seems so ironic that after 15 years of research in this area that this year we have come up with this new mystery. We have become obsessed with finding out what these lights are.
They seem to move to and fro in the pine forests and at times they seem to just be very still and will dim out completely. Then they will light up the forest in another area. We have seen them hover in the fork’s of trees and then move down to the forest floor and hold completely still. Just when we thought their color was a silvery white light we have found that they come in many colors such as blue red and sometimes green. What is even more amazing is that they seem to have an intelligence in the way that they will back away from you are lead you deeper into the forest. They even seem to try to split us up at times. But we no longer try to follow them. We do everything we can to document the lights and I will include some photos and a video you may have seen already.

I still don’t know what they are but at least all of our investigators have now had a brush with them. I will from time to time give a follow up on these lights they are very interesting to me and a complete puzzle as to why after 15 years researching in the same area these lights suddenly appear.
Stubblefield Lake recreation area is a wonderful place quiet and peaceful beautiful in many ways. But it can also be a mysterious and dangerous place so take care while you’re out there. Until next time the hermit.






Travis dripped sweat as he mowed down the grass and weeds in the camp we were to use for our newest expedition.
This was a great camping chose, it had seclusion and it was right up next to the lake itself. I was hoping the guys would be as excited as I was about this location. We were totally surrounded by thick trees with only two ways into the camp, one was a game trail at the back of camp, the other was a makeshift driveway that you could walk down. You might say we were in the thick of things.

When Travis was through mowing we brought in a load of firewood and kenneling. We set up our tents and laid out a fire and then sat back to wait for the guys to get here. Shane called us he was having car problems and wouldn’t be here until late that night. Lupe and Felipe were just leaving sugar land. So Travis and I thought that we would go ahead and set up some game cams.
We set one up in the woods behind the camp and found were several hogs have been coming through we also found some very large footprints and scuff marks made by large feet so we set up a game cam on this track line. We were holding out hope that we might actually capture video of the big guy.
Travis hid the camera very well, he put it high in the fork of an oak tree and secured it looking down upon the trail. I wanted to walk the track line further up into the forest but my shirt was already soaked through with  sweat and so I thought I would leave this for another day when the guys are here.

We walked out of the forest into some very tall grass and there was rattle weed everywhere. This area we call the dry Lake. Because at one time before our Texas drought this was part of the Lake. We would actually put our boats in right here where we were walking but now it is just many acres of grass broken by a tree here and there. The hogs move through here regularly they have grass tunnels through the tall grass and they bed down here everywhere. Travis and I walked out to the tall grass making our own trail as we went along. We hit a main trail and followed it to the water. Here Travis put up another game cam a little ways off the trail. We wanted to do some exploring but I can tell you the sun was beating down on us at 104°. So we turned around and after about 40 minutes we stumbled into camp exhausted from the heat. Taking bottles of cold water from our cooler we set down in our camp chairs and slowly sipped on the cold water. I don’t know what Travis was thinking but I can tell you I was really wondering if I was going to make it the whole four days with this heat. Well enough whining about the heat for now but I’m sure you’ll hear more about it later LOL.

Well we set in our chairs looking up at the sky. It was a beautiful turquoise blue with little white puffs of clouds slowly lazily blowing past. I guess we were both in our own little worlds because when the phone rang we both jumped. It was Felipe and they were not that far away, so Travis got up to start frying hamburgers to feed the guys. I went out onto the forest road to direct a guys to the camp. I think they were quite amazed at the remoteness of our camp and quite happy.
With the hellos out of the way and a couple of hamburgers under the belt, yes I said a couple, big dog started putting together his new parabolic mic. It was totally awesome and it had to be put on a tripod. That’s how big the sound catchers were and what was even more amazing is that Felipe made this all by himself. Felipe is one of the smartest people I know in communications and the microphone itself could be turned on and off remotely.

This new parabolic recording system was to prove itself that night when out of the blue came three game wardens who began to harass us and Felipe  got it all recorded. I’m not sure when he will release the recording or if he even will that will be up to him.But the wardens had no clue that everything they said does was recorded. He will probably need to check some laws before he can release it but I’m sure it will come out sooner or later.
But I was very angry when they came waltzing into our camp blinding everyone with their lights and not having the courtesy to announce who they are and what they wanted. I picked up my big cordless floodlight and I blinded them and asked them who they were. It was only then that they realized their mistake and quickly announce themselves as federal officers. I think it shook who we figured was the senior officer up and so now instead of intimidating us they were a bit intimidated themselves. They soon found out that we were completely legal with our sidearm and license and the weapons we had in our trunks as well. We had hunting license and hunters orange inside our vehicles. It is open season on hogs and legal to hunt them where we were at.
What was totally hilarious was they’d never even looked at Felipe and he had sunk so deep into his chair I thought he would come out the back end of it LOL. They didn’t even ask about the parabolic recording system. They did make us move our cars I guess they had to do something but it upset me a bit because I always sleep in the back of the truck and now I would have to sleep on the Park Road a way from camp. And don’t start on me because I wasn’t scared I was just aggravated. We marveled at the fact that they didn’t even shine a flashlight on Felipe. He told us that he had cloaked himself with his mind so they couldn’t see him and we all had a good laugh. We poked a little fun at the wardens as big dog played back the recording, but the fact remained how did they even know we were out here. Because they came straight to us and we are well hidden back in our camp.

Well the night brought with it a horde of mosquitoes and soon the air around the camp was full of the smell of deep woods off. Well we made our way to our bedrolls, itching and scratching and slapping mosquitoes the whole way. Oh how I love the smell of deep woods off and the sweet buzz of mosquitoes.{ huh I’m kidding you know}.
I made my way down the forest trail to the Park Road. All the vehicles had been parked down at the end of the road so I took the short hike to the truck and climbed into the back of it. I was aggravated by the heat and the mosquitoes but I had a nice battery-powered fan that help blow the mosquitoes away and I was soon cooling off. I could hear the murmurs of voices from the camp. I was laying on top of my sleeping bag looking up at the night sky, here the stars were bright and they filled the sky with Silverlight. I could smell the water from the Lake and I let the frogs be my lullaby. I was dead tired and fell asleep quickly.

It was about four the morning when heavy footsteps in front of the truck woke me up. They seem to be retreating back into the forest. I listened for a moment longer and then set up with my floodlight. In the near distance behind thick trees something actually turned around and looked at me. I could see when it blinked at eyes And it kept turning it’s had to the left As if looking at something. If I had to guess I would say That it’s Height Was a round 6 1/2 probably 7 feet tall. I Shining my light At where I knew its eyes were And got some excellent I shine. Suddenly this creature bolted to the left And begin to Scream A bloodcurdling scream. It ran down the track line Towards the back of the camp With his scream continuing. Suddenly Out on the road I heard footsteps And I turned and shined my Floodlight At the sounds. Something tall and dark Bolted into the trees As soon as my light Hit It And it went in Directly Behind Our big tent. At that time Lupe heard it And got up And won’t Felipe up. Both of them made their way Down the forest trail To the Park Road. They came down the road to check on me And We three Went over All the events And checking the time It was now 4:38.
When daylight broke Shane and I and Travis Begin the look around on the road tracks. We discovered A track way and tall grass. We could see where it had come down And out of the forest And walked along behind the camp And where it had gone in The trees behind the big tent After I had spotlighted. It had been quite an event One we weren’t expecting.

I am going to add some of our videos we made so all can see the events that unfolded afterwards and I will end this here. We did make many discoveries. I hope you enjoy the videos. Until next time the hermit.–ExfqWc