Most of you who read my blog knows that I haven’t been putting anything out lately, but that’s because I have been writing a book which is taken up much of my time. I’m getting close to finishing. Hopefully it will be out by Christmas. There is so much negotiating going on that my time is been spent with that, and of course going in the field. So I do have a lot of field reports to put out. And since I’ve decided to take a little bit of a break from the negotiating table. I thought I would get in a few of my field reports. So in this report. I’m going to talk about a subject that is intrigued me since the very beginning of the year as well as other new discoveries we found.

After 40 years in the field. I have been fortunate enough to be able to study some of the everyday habits of this creature we call Sasquatch. Well I know I have just made an awfully large claim in this last statement, but simply it’s true much of my life has been spent living alone in the Piney woods of East Texas and up in the Rocky Mountains and a lot of you may be aware that I have been a prospector in a mine owner. I have also been a rock hound and have cut and shaped my own rocks faceted semi precious gems and made a lot of my own jewelry and belt buckles to sell outside of many of the national parks. I did all this out of the back of an old rusty U-Haul trailer. I had bought and hauled around with me. The only power I had was a generator. It wasn’t a bad living. I was free and I miss it sometimes very much, but I also missed high mountains in the Piney woods. So I would park my rolling rock shop

at my brother’s house and back into the wilderness. I would go. It was hard for me to stay gone from those high lonely peaks in the Piney woods. It was there that I had my experiences with the Sasquatch creature. I really wasn’t looking for him but he became a big part of my life. I’ve heard it said many times that he chooses you. With all the mystery surrounding this creature. I wish he had chosen somebody else but all in all I’ve had a good life and my sons and daughters have grown up in those high lonely places and had experiences of their own.

Well I didn’t mean for this to start out as a autobiography so I’am going to dig right into this report. I guess the point I was trying to get across that after 40 years actually 41 years now of spending my life and I mean years of the time in these high lonely reaches and in the Piney woods of East Texas. I have had time to see so many things that I cannot explain, from strange things in the sky, the animals that seem not only at a place, but out of time. That is exactly how it feels when you’re looking straight into a timeworn face wrinkled with age of a Sasquatch. It sometimes reminds me of looking into the faces of the aboriginal people of Australia and many other lonely places around the world. I really don’t know what a Sasquatch is and that is one of the two mysteries. I want to talk about today.

You see, something is happening out in our area of research. This is a mystery that has not only stopped me in my tracks. But something I have had a hard time understanding considering it only started this year and we have been in this area for 15 years now and have never seen this and yes am talking about the forest lights that we see I have done a lot of investigative work to try and understand this phenomenon, which doesn’t only happen in our forest, but it has been seen on roads and in deserts. Here in Texas and there are other places around the world I have discovered I have researched and discovered many opinions, and many many myths of the strange lights but I just couldn’t grasp ahold of many of the explanations for these lights. But in my search I have finally found a scientific answer that I can almost hold as truth. There is a man, a Japanese scientist and theoretical physicist who has found this question. Interesting enough to actually go out into the field with equipment to try to explain this phenomenon.

I’m not going to provide his name because I do not have permission to do so at the time of this writing I like to be very careful when I am putting out people’s names without their permission. But I can tell you he has been seen on many television shows, and is considered one of the most brilliant minds of this age. I have full confidence that with a little snooping. You will find out on talking about.

The research has discovered that these are large plasma balls that have the ability to retain the energy inside of them and to actually fill themselves with more energy and become extremely bright. It is also my understanding that these plasma balls can retain their energy for possibly hundreds or thousands of years, and they usually stay in the same area. Throughout all this time, it is not understood just how they work, or why they retain their own inner energy. But, after careful observation. These plasma balls move with an apparent intelligence and have been seen and documented as moving up to and over vehicles and disrupting the electrical flow through to the engine, therefore causing the motor to stop running. They have also been known and have been observed following cars blocking from continuing down a road and people who have tried to follow them have actually become disoriented and sometimes lost, but plasma balls they can actually be measured through equipment is a phenomenon I can actually understand.

What intrigues me about the scientists work was that a lot of his work was done outside of Beaumont, Texas, and other spots around East Texas and the fact that it has been acknowledged that they do move with their own intelligence. We now know and have a little bit of knowledge of what this phenomenon is but still the question or mystery is, are they a life form do they hold some type of life force inside of them. I and my team of investigators have experienced firsthand the intelligence that these so-called plasma balls can display to the point of getting our group to separate onto different paths. There are many myths and legends surrounding these forest lights and they’ve been called many things such as spirits, earth lights, demon lights, forest lights, swamp gas and even fairy lights. Perhaps one day science will come up with equipment that can not only measure their energy output, but can recognize whether or not these plasma balls are also a life force, but for me this is scientific proof that these balls of light actually do exist.

I have heard it said on many occasions that the lights appear during Sasquatch encounters I have to say I was rather a skeptic for many years, but I can tell you now these lights do seem to be present during heavy Sasquatch activity in our research area why I can tell you because I really don’t know. Perhaps these lights do have a correlation with Sasquatch activity or perhaps it is just coincidence that they are. But for me. It is a mystery. I would like to solve.

Well this has just been some of my ramblings. I hope you enjoyed it and let me say to you. Until next time the Hermit


The thunderstorm finally broke and a few brave stars shone dimly through the rain clouds.
Raindrops fell loudly onto the truck from out of the Pines, that we were hiding in. We knew this to be a good spot because the Pines here were just a few feet over the hood of the truck and the larger Pines were a little further away and we had seen them take massive lightning strikes in the past, and the smaller Pines seem to be the safer bet. Travis and I know these research areas very well after 15 years, we have mapped a path that seems to be their mode of travel and we have mapped other trails that seem to be. Sometimes trails and many others that are all the time trails. It has been hard work really to map this out has taken many years and many miles walking, but we have compiled a very good map of sightings and mysterious disappearances and their path ways.

A bout a half mile from where we are. There is a spring fed pond which gets a lot of activity from the Sasquatch’s and we have discovered from there they follow this trail that we are sitting right in the middle of it.
The thunderstorm has left the night pitched dark and just a little creepy and things just got creepier the night exploded the of sound sticks being broken all around us and  the pine trees were being shook these creatures never cease to amaze me, because we never heard them coming. Until now. Now they wanted us to hear them. I suppose they wanted to gauge what our reaction would be by them sneaking up on us. We know that they get angry, but also I believe that a lot of this is a game because most people would be fleeing in terror right now tents, dragging behind them. I’m quite sure it gives the Sasquatch’s quite a giggle, but most of the time they mean no harm. Travis and I stood our ground and resisted the need to turn on some light. One thing we have learned about Sasquatch’s is this little game he likes to play can turn quite intense. When you stand your ground. I quickly put the recorder on the hood of the truck trying to catch their surprised voices when we did not move, we could hear quite a bit of mumbling and there was some type of speech being thrown around among them, as well as whistles and clicks and a few monkey grunts.

Well we did stand our ground and because of it. We had a few sticks thrown at us some handfuls of mud and a lot of tree shaking right next to the truck. Once, I think we were even pushed because the truck lurched forwards and then backwards again. Travis and I continue just to stay quiet and still inside the cab of the truck. But it was hard. We been through this more than once, and this is just the reaction we were looking for but one thing I don’t like is when they turn quiet as they have done. Now, because you never know what their next plan is and when they turn this quiet. You also never know whether their sneaking closer or whether their sneaking away but we could not take the total quiet for much longer. And after about 19 minutes yes I said 19 minutes LOL. I reached out to get the recorder off the roof of the truck and Travis started the engine and we slowly backed out from our hidden spot and as if they were saying don’t let the forest kick you in the butt. We got a large tree limb thrown at the back of the truck. Well we didn’t look back. But I’m sure they knew that we would come back some other night and we would play this game again and I fully don’t mind letting them win because we have at least 28 minutes of audio. So the joke is on them. I think LOL

We decided to set our sights on the bridge. I’m not going to say where I hope you don’t mind, but the story goes about this bridge that during a flood. Many people drowned. There was one story in particular of a woman and her child. Many people fish off this bridge at night, but none stay for very long. The boys and I have heard a child crying underneath this bridge, more than once and the boys have heard what sounded like a woman scream in anguish and so like knotty children who are not supposed to dabble in the paranormal. We decided to do EVP’s on top of the bridge and so here we go. I began by asking a series of questions at first it seemed like they would be no answers, but then coming down the bridge and passing right past us where heavy footsteps Travis turned his flashlight on and begin to look around and I just went on with my questions. We did get what sounded like a child. It was faint. Quick and accompanied with a few more footsteps. Well I turned my full attention to the woman who was supposed to have drowned here and am pretty sure I got some very quiet answers. We spent about 20 minutes on the bridge and after feeling cold winds and hearing more footsteps. I thought perhaps we’d scared ourselves enough. After all were supposed to be Sasquatch researchers not paranormal researchers, but around here, you almost need to be both because the paranormal raises up on a lot of occasions.

From the bridge. We moved on down the road into a very lonely and remote area. This area is where the torn up camp was and like. Brave little Sasquatch researchers who are perhaps a little apprehensive and had some butterflies in our stomachs, we backed up exactly in the same spot that the torn up camp and been in. I stuck my recorder out on top of the truck. Believe me, there was going to be no night walks tonight almost immediately we got this growly strange primate type sounds that sent a few chills up and down our spines and we also got at least one tree slap that it became very quiet. I had broken out our night vision equipment and Travis and I set quietly peering into the dark we had set quietly for quite a while, but then suddenly there was the sound of what could only be described as a large portion of a tree being drug along the ground, and then dropped. It sounded so close i immediately came up with my floodlight and started looking around I got what I thought was eye shine and then nothing a small bat came and played around my light eating mosquitoes and as soon as my light went out, we got more angry type primate sounds very deep throated and something ran alongside of the truck and was gone. I took my handy cam out and turned my floodlight back on I was trying to see what had gone past. Looking around I could also hear footsteps in the trees and brush beside the truck than Travis suddenly declared there is something behind us, and I tried to turn around to see what was there and capture it on my handy cam. But of course it was gone and everything became deathly quiet. The forest had that strange feel to them for a long while. We just sat quietly waiting for something to happen. We felt many shifts in the way the forest felt, and then after the long silence water birds started up as if something had disturbed their sleep. That made us jump and we chuckled at each other as we peer  out into the darkness. Well it was 4:30 in the morning and we were having trouble keeping our eyes open. So we turned on the lights in the truck packed up our equipment took one last look around and headed for the house to go over our audio. We did leave some game cams out, if we get anything on them. It will probably be deer hogs and hopefully another cougar but for now, let us say goodbye, and I hope that everyone will like my report, there was not much here. I know, but until the next time.The Hermit






